Erectile Dysfunction

Also indexed as:Impotence

Learn more about the cause of erectile dysfunction to overcome this sensitive condition. According to research or other evidence, the following self-care steps may be helpful.

About This Condition

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability of a male to attain or sustain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse.

It can be a persistent condition; however, almost half of all men experience ED only occasionally. ED can have physical, psychological, or drug-induced causes. Although some doctors used to believe differently, most researchers and doctors now believe that physical factors are responsible for the majority of ED cases.

Several conditions may contribute to ED by impairing blood flow to the penis. These include atherosclerosisdiabetes,hypothyroidismmultiple sclerosis, and chronic alcohol abuse.


ED is defined by the symptoms listed above. Symptoms may also include loss of sexual desire (libido), premature ejaculation, or inability to achieve orgasm.

Healthy Lifestyle Tips

Men who smoke have been shown to have an increased incidence of ED.
In a study of obese men with erectile dysfunction, a two-year lifestyle program consisting of a low-calorie diet plus regular exercise resulted in a significant improvement in erectile function, which became normal in 31% of the participants.

Holistic Options

ED that cannot be linked to physical causes has been successfully treated by hypnosis. In one trial, three hypnosis sessions per week, later decreased to one per month, over a six-month period led to improvement in 75% of men in the trial.

Acupuncture might be of some benefit for men with ED. Electro-acupuncture, which is acupuncture accompanied by electrical stimulation, was performed on various acupuncture points in men with ED in a preliminary trial of men with this condition. Two treatments were administered every week for one month. 

An improvement in quality of erection was observed in 15% of the participants and an increase in sexual activity was reported by 31% of the men. Another preliminary trial found good results in over half of the men treated, but the only controlled trial of electro-acupuncture for ED found that placebo also produced a large improvement in sexual function—an effect similar to that of acupuncture. Controlled trials with larger groups of men are necessary to better test the efficacy of acupuncture therapy for men suffering from ED.


What Are "Star" Ratings?

  • Reliable and relatively consistent scientific data showing a substantial health benefit.
  • Contradictory, insufficient, or preliminary studies suggesting a health benefit or minimal health benefit.
  • For an herb, supported by traditional use but minimal or no scientific evidence. For a supplement, little scientific support.

Asian Ginseng
900 mg of a concentrated herbal extract two or three times daily3 stars  Asian ginseng may improve libido and ability to maintain erection.
15 to 30 mg a day of yohimbine3 starsYohimbe appears to increase blood flow and dilate blood vessels.
1,670 to 2,800 mg daily2 starsBlood vessels need arginine to dilate and form an erection. Supplementing with arginine has been shown to help men with erectile dysfunction in some studies.
500 mg daily for the first four days, then followed by 1,000 mg daily2 starsButea superba is a Thai plant that has been used traditionally to increase sexual vigor.
Take under medical supervision: 50 mg daily2 starsSome men with erectile dysfunction have been reported to have low blood levels of DHEA. Supplementing with DHEA may improve erectile function and libido.
60 to 240 mg daily2 starsThe herb Ginkgo appears to increase blood flow to the penis.
Horny Goat Weed
5 grams three times per day2 starsHorny goat weed has long been used in traditional Asian medicine for people with sexual difficulties. It has been shown in at least one study to increase libido.
L-Carnitine and Acetyl-L-Carnitine
2 grams of each daily2 starsIn one study, supplementing with the combination of propionyl-L-carnitine (a form of L-carnitine) and acetyl-L-carnitine significantly improved erectile function in elderly men.
120 mg daily2 starsIn one study of men with erectile dysfunction, supplementing with Pycnogenol improved erectile function.
Refer to label instructions1 starDamiana is a traditional herbal treatment for men with erectile dysfunction.