Deadlift: Proper Execution and Benefits

The Deadlift is an integral, yet often missing component of a strength building program. That’s not to say that everyone should be performing this movement or one of its variations, but the benefits of the Deadlift for...

Fitness Components

Fitness can be defined in many different ways. To some people fitness might mean a slim waistline. To others it could be the ability to bench-press their body weight. And to others it might be a general feeling of wellness...

Aerobic Exercises: Cycling

Cycling is an excellent form of aerobic exercise. It places a substantial demand on your heart and lungs. It can burn up to 900 calories per hour while helping to condition your legs and cardiovascular system.

Understanding your Heart: Heart Rate

Learn more about heart rate basics and use these heart rate charts to help you understand and improve your overall cardio fitness. Understanding the different types of heart rates and what they represent, you can measure your overall cardio heart health...

Importance of Aerobics Exercises

Despite the fact that the daily world of most serious exercisers is inexorably intertwined with fitness and an intense commitment to maximizing their physicality...

Women and Weight Training

Wow, you are ripped!”“You’re huge!”“You’re so massive!” These days, if you’d say something like that to a woman, chances are they’d give you that look that could kill or they’d ..

Facts About Fat Burners

The Barbell Forward Lunge stretches and strengthens the glutes and thighs. For those just learning the move, taking a shorter step forward works well. As you perform a few sets and are more comfortab ..

Moving Forward

The Barbell Forward Lunge stretches and strengthens the glutes and thighs. For those just learning the move, taking a shorter step forward works well. As you perform a few sets and are more comfortab ..

Post It and Get Motivated

It’s been said that with patience and persistence, one can achieve almost anything. But to be persistent, you’ve got to be motivated and if you’re like many people that can be a tough thing to d ..

Weights Before Cardio or Cardio Before Weights?

For years, trainers, coaches, athletes and those who work out, have debated the merits of splitting weight training and cardio training, with proponents in each ...

Shoulder Injuries

At some point in their careers, most powerlifters will experience some form of shoulder pain or injury. Most lifters think of shoulder pain and injury as a ...