Women and Weight Training

“Wow, you are ripped!”
“You’re huge!”
“You’re so massive!”
These days, if you’d say something like that to a woman, chances are they’d give you that look that could kill or they’d simply shake their head is disgust.
Even today, many women are afraid of lifting weights, things heavy, or even doing lots of reps because they’re still living by the erroneous belief that “I don’t want to lift weights and get too big and look like a guy.”
I’ve got news for you.
It ain’t gonna happen.
But here’s what will happen:
  1. You’ll become more shapely.
  2. You’ll lose fat and get leaner. Hope you don’t mind buying some new smaller sized clothes!
  3. Muscle burns three times more calories than fat, so get ready for a fat-burning body even while you sleep.
For those over 20, their bodies can lose nearly a half-pound of muscle (the good stuff that you want to keep) each year, if they are not active.
Add to the mix that inactivity also increases the chance for osteoporosis and I think you’ll agree that exercise can be one of the best things you can do for your body and life.
So let’s talk more about the real benefits you’re going to experience from exercise and being more active.
How would you like stronger and healthier bones, ligaments and tendons and…something that will help elevate your mood and well-being AND fight off arthritis?
With exercise, you’ve got it!
How would you like to look and feel better by doing something for only 20-30 minutes just 2-3 times a week?
With exercise and smart workouts, that’s all you’ll need to experience the positive life-changing benefits.
Forget the tired old worn-out excuse of “I’d like to exercise, but I just don’t have the time.”
You can start with something as simple as grabbing a light dumbbell and move those arms up and down while you’re watching your favorite TV show and you’ll be doing your body good and having fun all at the same time.