Moving Forward

The Barbell Forward Lunge stretches and strengthens the glutes and thighs.
For those just learning the move, taking a shorter step forward works well. As you perform a few sets and are more comfortable with the exercise, you can lengthen your stride to activate more muscle fibers in the hamstrings and glutes.
The Barbell Forward Lunge can be performed with either a barbell or dumbbell and many have found this move to be an excellent addition to their lower-body workout or circuit training routine.
Here’s how to do it.
With the barbell on your upper back, step one foot forward about 18 to 24 inches.
Immediately bend the knees and descend onto the front leg, allowing the back knee to come close to the ground.
Keep the weight on the front heel, maintain a straight torso, and keep your knee over your foot. When your knee travels forward, beyond the plane of your foot, it stresses your knee unnecessarily.
Push back up with the front heel and return to the standing position.
 To get the most from the exercise,
keep these tips in mind:
                                             1. Step onto the heel and roll toward the ball of the front footBarbell Forward Lunge 1
2. Keep the front foot flat on the ground
3. Keep the front knee from moving too far beyond the toes
4. Keep the front knee pointing straight ahead and    not to one side
5. Don’t round the backBarbell Forward Lunge 2
Always perform a good warm-up before doing any exercise or stretch.