Do you have Flabby Arms? Here how to get rid of them.

Nobody likes that extra skin that hangs from underneath your biceps. Commonly referred to as “bat wings” and most often seen on women, it’s one of those areas that people who work out yet still have them, have no clue on what the cause is, or how to get rid of them. Thankfully, we may have the answer!

The flab on the back of your arms can directly be tied to low testosterone levels. Testosterone is one of the main “lean” hormones prevalent in men and women, but it’s often overlooked in the female gender because of the obviously lower levels that exist as opposed to their male counterparts. But there are certain factors that can lead to even lower levels than normal in women:

·         Not enough protein
·         Lifting weights that are too light (or no lifting at all)
·         Less than intense training
·         Lack of sleep
·         Increased estrogen from hormone-laden food, birth control pills and cosmetics that contain parabens

So if you suffer from bat wings — and you’re not a superhero — the best way to rid yourself of them is try and eliminate some of the problem areas listed above. And if that doesn’t work, be sure to consult your doctor.