Tip of the Day

Do you have Flabby Arms? Here how to get rid of them.

Nobody likes that extra skin that hangs from underneath your biceps. Commonly referred to as “bat wings” and most often seen on women, it’s one of those areas that people who work out...

Light Weight Approch

In the world of fitness, there are those who believe that exercise does little good unless it is intense enough to create a physiological response in the body...

Pullover with Dumbbell

The Dumbbell Pullover has been a staple in the training routines of Olympians to world-class bodybuilders...

Stay away from the computer

We sit a lot and most of the time we are usually staring at our computers! This week whether you are working at your office or home, make sure to get up and...

Running in hot weather

 Halfway through the summer and taking a look outside, you’ll see a number of people running the streets in many cities in America. You may be one of those people who are considering taking your runs...

How to do Burpees

Burpees provide a full-body, bodyweight workout. Burpees can be performed almost anywhere and make a great conditioning exercise. Actually, burpees alone make a great workout...

Frequent exercise mistakes

Many people get frustrated and may even give up on their workout routines because they don’t see the desired results after doing what they feel is hard work in the gym... 

Stability Ball Push-Up

The Ball Push-Up with Feet on Ball works great for building chest, shoulders, triceps, abs, obliques, and low back while improving endurance and balance...

A post-meal walk has healthy benefits

Many times after we eat a meal — especially dinner — we usually sit down and don’t do a lot of moving after. Many of us even lie down to take a nap! But that may not be the best thing to do...

Post It and Get Motivated

It’s been said that with patience and persistence, one can achieve almost anything. But to be persistent, you’ve got to be motivated and if you’re like many people that can be a tough thing to do...

Running correctly

Whether it’s for competition or enjoyment, we all like to get out and run. No matter if it’s indoors on the treadmill our outdoors enjoying the beautiful weather, running makes us feel great and improves our overall health...

Using the Power of your Brain

One powerful technique to change your body and life is through visualization. But, if you really want better results, add the power of “feelization”...