Pullover with Dumbbell

The Dumbbell Pullover has been a staple in the training routines of Olympians to world-class bodybuilders.
While today it may not be the most popular exercise in a gym landscape dotted with machines, the dumbbell pullover remains a great exercise for strengthening and stretching the upper body.
Here’s how to do the exercise.
Hold the dumbbell by the bottom side of one end.
Lay down on a bench or stability ball with the dumbbell on your chest.
Press the dumbbell up so that your arms are fully extended and the dumbbell is above your chest.
Slowly bring the dumbbell back and behind your head.
Allow the dumbbell to extend behind your head only as far as it feels comfortable while giving your upper body a good stretch.
Keeping your arms extended, bring the dumbbell back over your head and to the starting position.
Many find it beneficial by using the breathing cadence of taking a deep breath in as the dumbbell is being lowered over and behind the head and exhaling as the dumbbell is being returned back to the starting position.
To help you get the most from the movement, try to keep your back in contact with the bench throughout the exercise to help minimize excessive back arching.
Always perform a good warm-up before doing any exercise or stretch.