Frequent exercise mistakes

Many people get frustrated and may even give up on their workout routines because they don’t see the desired results after doing what they feel is hard work in the gym. But the reason may be related to more of what the individual is not doing as opposed to what they actually are doing.
Mistakes in our workout routines happen all the time and it’s those mistakes that prevent us from seeing the desired results we want. So check out a few of the most common workout mistakes and try to avoid them so you can see the desired “you” quicker and faster:
1. Don’t Rely Solely on Cardio: Yes, cardio workouts are the best and fastest way to shed pounds, but if you don’t have the proper diet, no amount of cardio is going to give you the body you’re looking for.
2. Don’t Race Through Your Reps: When it comes to lifting weights, we have a tendency to go too light or too heavy. If it’s too light, we speed through our reps with minimal gains. If too heavy. then we do just enough reps before the weight becomes unbearable. Find a comfortable weight and take your time through your reps to see optimal results.
3. Over Cycling: If you’re the kind of person who loves to ride the stationary bike at the gym but aren’t seeing the desired results in your thighs, you may want to ditch the bike. Bike riding works a specific group of muscles, one of which being the thighs. Try lowering the resistance on the bike and increase your speed to decrease muscle mass in that area.
4. Don’t Run at the Same Pace: When it comes to losing weight from running, interval training is the way to go, not the same pace for the duration of your run. Interval training helps your muscles burn energy more efficiently which in turn, helps you slim down.