A post-meal walk has healthy benefits

Many times after we eat a meal — especially dinner — we usually sit down and don’t do a lot of moving after. Many of us even lie down to take a nap! But that may not be the best thing to do.
You may not be aware of this, but a brief walk shortly after a meal is great way to quickly burn calories and it also aids in digestion.
Research has shown that a brisk, 15-minute walk speeds up the rate in which food moves through the stomach and can help improve blood sugar levels. Blood sugar typically rises after eating and then falls later. But walking a few minutes after dinner can help lower post-meal blood sugar levels, especially in people with Type 2 diabetes.
A post-meal walk can also help clear glucose from the bloodstream by helping the muscles absorb more of it. So a heading out the door and taking a walk after a meal instead of heading for the sofa has a number of healthy benefits.