Speed up your weight loss and fat burn while you eating

By now you’re familiar with the term “superfood.” These are foods that are nutritious and beneficial to ones overall health and well-being. In addition to your normal exercise routine, adding these types of food to your healthy diet you can accelerate your weight loss and burn fat even faster:
Lean Meat: Lean chicken contains lots of protein and very little fat. If you don’t already know, protein (like what’s found in Core Power) builds lean muscle and lean muscle helps burn fat by upping your metabolism. In addition to lean chicken, you can also eat turkey breast as well. Fish is also good for weight loss and eating salmon or tuna is a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids which cuts down on leptin, the hormone that cause weight gain.
Olive Oil: This type of oil contains a considerable amount of unsaturated fats which not only helps suppress appetite, but also fight cholesterol.
Berries: These are very good for weight loss, no matter the type: blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, etc. Strawberries, however, are the best. They taste great and they act as an appetite suppressant.
All of these foods are rich in vitamins and high in antioxidants, but they aren’t the only foods you can eat to help you lose weight. Oatmeal, nuts, and eggs are other foods that can help with weight loss as well.