Stability Ball Push-Up

The Ball Push-Up with Feet on Ball works great for building chest, shoulders, triceps, abs, obliques, and low back while improving endurance and balance.

Here’s how to do the exercise.
  • Get into a push-up position with hands on the floor and your feet balanced on a stability ball.
  • Keep your head, neck, and body aligned in a straight line.
  • Lower yourself as far as you can by bending your arms.
  • Push back up to the top
  • Stay balanced throughout.
  • Return to the start position and repeat.
To get the most from the exercise, don’t drop your head during the movement or let your body sag (especially the low back). And be sure to keep your hips in line with your body and not come up too high.
Always perform a good warm-up before doing any exercise or stretch.