Short on time? Here the solution

Looking for an effective aerobic and anaerobic workout but short on time? I’ve got the answer.
Do more in less time; that’s one of the secrets for fitness success.
During your workout, try simply decreasing your rest time between exercises and sets to no more than 35 seconds.
Here’s how.
Let’s say you are doing chest for today’s workout and you’re doing two exercises of three sets each for chest; incline barbell bench press and flat bench dumbbell flyes.
After a good warm-up set or two with light weight on the incline barbell press, rest no more than 35 seconds and jump to a weight you can do for 8 to 10 reps.
Rack the weight and rest for no more than 35 seconds and do your second set of 8-10 reps.
Rack the weight one more time for no more than 35 seconds and for your third and final set, shoot for 8 to 10 reps, although, with such little rest between sets, you may be only able to do 4, 5 or 6 reps.
After your third set, rest only long enough to quickly move to the next exercise in your workout and follow the same minimal rest between exercises and sets cadence.